So, Music at Mac was an especially amazing event at the end of last year and definitely one of the best concerts to leave school with. Mac-Cussion, which you would have seen in the earlier videos, had somewhat of a feature that night and put on a really great show.
The video below is of the 3 seniors of the percussion program: Me (Tsoof Baras), Jamee Seeto and Eve Reynolds. It’s a paint drumming piece that we composed with the help of our percussion teacher David Adelt, and performed with the tech abilities of one of our friends’ parents. It was really really amazing, and great fun to perform. The audience really enjoyed and I hope that you do too.
Just so you know, I’m the guy on the left with the pink dye. Don’t think that it was easy to get off. I looked like beetroot for the rest of the night and into the next day. Also, we may have all looked like gangsters covered in those ponchos, and I can tell you that we all probably felt like ones, but other than making us feel gangster, it didn’t do much else. We were drenched when we got off the stage.
TS 🙂 🙂 F
Hello Mr. beetroot, nice idea and good performance!
Shlomi, who doesn’t always comment but does watch you from far distance…
Haha 🙂
Thank you Shlomi, I’m glad you like it